Our cutting-edge mobile liquid destruction process allows for reliable and transparent destruction of your finished goods. Whether your material has expired, been discontinued, or otherwise, we can provide your company the destruction services that you need, at your site with our mobile unit.
Common Problems with Traditional Destruction
Shipping Costs: Often a trailer sent to a destruction facility maxes out its weight capacity long before it is filled, causing you to incur higher shipping costs.
Witnessing: Most times your company is required to send a witness to the destruction facility to confirm the product has been destroyed. This costs your company time and money to provide a representative to be present.
Loss of Recyclable Revenue: Whether it is plastic, aluminum, or glass most destruction facilities keep your containers after the completed process and recycle them at a profit.
Bonding/Tax Issues: Many times taxes must be paid on the material in order to send it off site to a destruction facility.
ZERO Shipping Costs: No need to spend money on transportation, our unit comes to your facility.
On Site Destruction: Our unique process allows for your team to monitor the material destruction at your site. No need to allocate manpower and money to sending a witness off site
Recyclable Revenue: Upon completion of the project you have options
Keep container material and recycle it for a profit
We can purchase your container material
Your container material can be removed at little to no charge, depending on the current market value
Save Money on Bonding/Taxes: Since we come to you, your product never needs to leave your property.
Fully Permitted, Bonded, and Insured: We give you peace of mind knowing that your destruction project will be completed by experienced professionals, and that your liquid will be disposed of in the proper manner.